Agency Growth and Account Handler Training

I recently set up an online store to sell my agency owner coaching and account handler training services.

The eBooks are part of a new publishing venture (called ‘Agency Snacks’) and I’ll let you know what I learn along the way.

So that includes creative and marketing agency operational, service and finances insights, as well as Account Handler training and development guides.

Online / Skype coaching sessions:
I get requests for ad-hoc skype agency coaching sessions around the world (which is great) so I thought I’d formalise that with a storefront.

Agency and Account Handler training and development eBooks:

I am now also creating and selling short courses and eBooks.

Short and sweet but full of useful info on different aspects of agency operations and the things you need to look at as either an agency startup, an established agency owner looking for some reboot ideas, or an agency account handler.

The eBooks come from:

  • My 30 years (yes, 30 years) experience in agencies of all kinds. The last 7 of which have been as an independent coach.
  • Developed thinking and points of view from direct observation and ‘intervention’ in an array of agency challenges and opportunities that agencies of all kinds face.
  • The fine-tuning of guidance that I’ve variously expressed as blog posts on this site, as Linkedin updates / Pulse articles, from my coaching, from giving talks and from writing for the excellent Smart Insights digital marketing training site.

I’m still playing around with the platform I went with – Podia – after some research into the various options available.

There are lots of theme/functionality options, all of which have distracted me nicely.

But aside from some fine-tuning I now need to:

(a) complete some additional resources I have started (some of which have been in draft form for a long time!)

(b) Drive traffic to the shop (yes – the hardest thing)

I’ll update this post as I learn more about the new (to me) world of publishing.

My short courses, eBooks (and coaching booking) store >
the Agency Thinking Training Hub


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